
Bunker 316, at the foot of Saarbrücken's Halberg, is one of the last entirely preserved bunkers of the original Siegfried Line, a line of defensive military fortifications, also called the Westwall. The Regelbau bunker type 108b MG embrasure with MG casemate, flanking installation, and periscope was built 226 times.

the casemates were built approximately five centuries ago for the protection of the medieval castle and the château of Saarbrücken (Saarbrücken Castle - also featured in the Location Guide).

Mithraism, a mystery-cult religion celebrating Mithra, the Persian divinity of light, dates back to the Roman Empire. Religious practice was centred around a cave, the mithraeum.

remnant of an industrial past, the cone-shaped Lydia heap bears witness to the mining history so closely tied to the Saarland.

On the eastern slope of St. Arnual, the lower, the middle and the upper path run pituresquely up to a beautiful viewpoint.

Initially founded in 1873 by a smelting engineer in the town of Völklingen/Saarland, the Völklinger Hütte (Völklingen Ironworks) was in operation for more than a century.

the former coal mine started operations in 1963. At the time, it was the most modern coal mine in the world. Shut down in 2005, it is today under preservation order.

when the Göttelborn coal mine was founded in 1887, 13 miners, supervised by an overman and a mine inspector, went to work.

Next to the former Velsen coal mine, in a variegated sandstone slope, 30 meters high, face lines of a total length of 700 meters were driven onto 3 levels and technically set up in such a way that the underground area and equipment exactly resemble the environment and infrastructure of a coal mine.

The Maybach miner's settlement was established from 1901 to, respectively, 1905 and 1910.
